

這一次帶出去的傢伙-->CANON 5D CLASSIC + EF 24-70mm F2.8 L USM


拎著老機老鏡,隨意按快門~ 緊鄰大安森林公園的永康商圈,除了以永康公園為中心的商業街區外,還有幽靜的金華、青田、麗水街區。是一條文青、散步與探索歷史脈絡的好所在。佳能5D一代被愛好者暱稱為"5D Classic",是一部來自2005年1200萬像素的全幅單反,與2020年的機子相比,可以感受到明顯的科技差距。但是老相機就是老相機,"老"特色才是樂趣所在,和新機攀比參數毫無意義... 5D之所以"Classic",不只在於它是CANON首款平價全幅單反,其優美的全幅成像質感與色彩處理別具特色。所有的照片都是RAW檔,簡單PS調光後製,照片拍不好,不要砲我~在下只是單純玩相機、隨意拍拍照 😂。


Canon 5D Mark I is nicknamed "5D Classic" by fans. It is a full-frame DSLR with 12 million pixels from 2005. Compared with the 2020 new camera, you can clearly feel the technological gap. But an old camera is an old camera, and the "old" characteristic is the key point. The reason why 5D is "Classic" is not only that it is CANON's first affordable full-frame DSLR, but its beautiful full-frame imaging texture and color processing are unique.All pictures are RAW ,simple PS Adjustment. Pictures are not good , SORRY~ I just play the camera and easily shot. Yongkang Street, which is close to Daan Forest Park, has quiet Jinhua, Qingtian, and Lishui neighborhoods in addition to the commercial block centered on Yongkang Park. It is a good place for literary youth and walking to explore the historical context.


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